at RuthRecords
People like Faris Nourallah`s ”magical music moments” and therefore the ”Minus One” will be distributed throughout the rest of Europe. Release date: August 23 in most territories, Holland will see a soft release, starting July 22
Release August 23

After 8 years of silence, critically acclaimed Faris Nourallah is out with his 9th solo album “Minus One” It contains some of the earliest songs. Recorded in his studio in Dallas.
Release May 31, 2019

“Nu har Paris Nourallah återigen släppt en fin popplatta som både för med sig fina skimrande melodier och uppvisar kvaliteter som jag tycker om. Plattan lever sitt eget liv och formar en stark bild av stilsäkerhet och ljuvligheter av text och musik. Svenska bolaget Ruth Records kommenterade skivan på sin hemsida med att det fanns många låtar och detta hamnade till slut på albumet. Tack för det.” Micheles Kindh, Blaskan 19-05-25
“It is almost unbelievable that nobody ever decided to release an album with the songs that Faris Nourallah composed over 15 years ago and that he did send to record label managers. His vocal performance brings us memories of ‘Kinks’-frontman Ray Davies, but also contains elements of Elliott Smith and even John Lennon in a few slow ballads on his 9th album ‘Minus One’“ –
We celebrate the release of Minus One with a 20% discount on all albums in the webshop. Enter the code “release may 31” in the checkout.